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Showing posts from 2017

Church Volunteer Hours

I have volunteered in the children's and music ministry at my church for  30 hours this semester . I sing at both services once a month and attend a one hour rehearsal. This ministry brings me great joy and I am grateful to be able to use my gift to help others encounter Jesus. I help teach God's word to children one Sunday a month for both services and attend a one hour group planning session. These kids mean everything to me and I love devoting time to helping them learn about the most important focus in my life. I also know that I have the opportunity to impact the students in a positive and powerful way. *Dr. Hedden, there is video evidence of me singing on as well as contact info for Eric Vines and Dick Morris if you need to verify the amount of time. 36/25 hours 

NPHC Step Show

I worked the NPHC step/comedy show last night. I helped sell tickets at the will call booth and directed traffic. I arrived at 7:15pm and then watched the show at 8:30. Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta, Omega Phi Psi, and Alpha Phi Alpha performed last night. They were INCREDIBLE and so talented. The comedian DC Youngflyy began to perform as the judges deliberated. Unfortunately, no one knows who won due to a shooting threat. Everyone who came had to be evacuated from the mini dome! 6/25 hours completed.

Blood Drive

10/2 I donated blood during the homecoming blood drive this week and it felt incredible to be able to serve my community. I always get slightly nervous around needles, but I only got slightly lightheaded at the end. The process only took about 1 hour and I helped save 3 lives! 4/25 hours

North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

9/23 It has taken me quite awhile to post, but I have been outrageously busy this semester. I visited my cousin a couple weeks ago in Durham, North Carolina. She moved there after graduating from ETSU last fall and she has not explored the city much. We decided to attend the Museum of Natural Sciences; we had a blast! There was information about everything from ebola, to dinosaurs, to food chains. There was a room in the museum where people 8+ could handle artifacts like skins, bones, and microscopes. It was incredible to be able to explore this portion of museum hands on rather than just looking at everything from a distance. The next exhibit we toured was the butterfly sanctuary. They had species from all over South America. It was a majestic sight. One of their special exhibits was a social justice movement  titled "RACE". It gave historical information about how race developed as a political movement, as well as the science behind skin color. My favorite e...

Death by Semester/Canvas

I know all honors students are busy, but I just want to share the craziness of my life. I am taking 19 class hours, developing questions for my thesis, working 40 hours in a classroom, I have 20 hours of service learning, I serve as the Vice President of Alumnae Relations for Sigma Kappa and I am in the process of planning a huge event. I have 25 assignments due from now until April 18th. If that wasn't enough I had the flu three weeks ago and yesterday I was diagnosed with mono and I'm on 'bed rest' per my doctor. So, that is why I am just now posting what I chose as my creative outlet. Canvas painting. Each one took 2 hours to create, however, the large Tom Petty canvas which took three hours. So far I have 15 creative hours done!