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Showing posts from 2018

Sigma Kappa Highway Cleanup

Today I participated in  Sigma Kappa's highway clean up day.  One of our philanthropies is Inherit the Earth which supports caring for our planet. We adopted the highway out-front of ETSU and it stretches to the hospital. Sigma Kappa cleans it twice a semester. My sisters and I spent two hours picking up several trash bags full of litter off of the highway. It was wonderful to make a difference for the community and planet today! 16/30 hours

Application Reviews

I was so honored to have the opportunity to score 11 MHS applications! I enjoyed reading the essays and reviewing the resumes. I believe the honors college has an amazing group coming through with lots of diversity and incredible background stories. I am so thankful for what MHS has meant to me, and I know these upcoming students are greatly anticipating this incredible opportunity. I spent 2 hours total scoring applications. GOOD LUCK TO THE WINNERS! 14/30 hours

Where Have I Been?

This semester has been extremely stressful. My previous thesis chair has prevented me from going through IRB. So I finally got the courage to change chairs and now that process is under way. As for my service hours...I have worked in kids church 6 hours total and on praise band vocals for 6. I'm pictured below dancing in kids church and I thought people would enjoy this less than glamorous shot! Anyway, my church volunteer work comes to a total of 12/30 hours. I hope to catch up on these collo hours as my stress load eases up.