I was so honored to have the opportunity to score 11 MHS applications! I enjoyed reading the essays and reviewing the resumes. I believe the honors college has an amazing group coming through with lots of diversity and incredible background stories. I am so thankful for what MHS has meant to me, and I know these upcoming students are greatly anticipating this incredible opportunity. I spent 2 hours total scoring applications. GOOD LUCK TO THE WINNERS! 14/30 hours
I have had the immense pleasure of attending and serving my church for the majority if my life. I sporadically have done elderly visitations, mission trips, food packing, and feeding the homeless. Two years ago I was the pre-school ministry intern and have continued to work with the youngest believers. However, this semester I took on a more permanent role in my service. On the first Sunday of the month, I simply attend BCCC. The second Sunday, I help lead worship in the praise band. Praise band is 4 hours of time once a month because it requires both services and two practices. The third Sunday, I assist in primary ministry which is 1st grade- 5th grade which accounts for 2 hours for both services. The fourth Sunday, I am in the two year old classroom for one hour teaching Sunday school, and if there is a fifth Sunday I am in the preschool ministry room. I began these various roles in September 2016. To date I have completed 18 hours of community service by serving the church in...
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