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I am 4

I'm a hot mess. ALWAYS. I strive for perfection and never get it right. Im always late, or forgetting something, or bumping my car on curbs. I struggle to balance being the perfect daughter, sister, sister in law, auntie, niece, cousin, coworker, teacher, powerlifter, and friend...and 9/10 I am not even doing one of those roles well. One of my friends (lovingly) pointed out to me that when something is slightly hard or even really tough, my world crumbles. It's been my coping mechanism to react strongly my whole life and only got reinforced by the trauma I've endured. I've believed for so long that I have to react big or pain loses meaning. I need to be more kind and gentle with myself so I can grow and learn to handle situations with more control. I can be in control of my feelings. Through this and reading the book The Road Back to You,  I realized I am a four on the Enneagram. I thought I was a two because I have a helpful nature, then a three because I HATE for peo...
Recent posts

Sigma Kappa Highway Cleanup

Today I participated in  Sigma Kappa's highway clean up day.  One of our philanthropies is Inherit the Earth which supports caring for our planet. We adopted the highway out-front of ETSU and it stretches to the hospital. Sigma Kappa cleans it twice a semester. My sisters and I spent two hours picking up several trash bags full of litter off of the highway. It was wonderful to make a difference for the community and planet today! 16/30 hours

Application Reviews

I was so honored to have the opportunity to score 11 MHS applications! I enjoyed reading the essays and reviewing the resumes. I believe the honors college has an amazing group coming through with lots of diversity and incredible background stories. I am so thankful for what MHS has meant to me, and I know these upcoming students are greatly anticipating this incredible opportunity. I spent 2 hours total scoring applications. GOOD LUCK TO THE WINNERS! 14/30 hours

Where Have I Been?

This semester has been extremely stressful. My previous thesis chair has prevented me from going through IRB. So I finally got the courage to change chairs and now that process is under way. As for my service hours...I have worked in kids church 6 hours total and on praise band vocals for 6. I'm pictured below dancing in kids church and I thought people would enjoy this less than glamorous shot! Anyway, my church volunteer work comes to a total of 12/30 hours. I hope to catch up on these collo hours as my stress load eases up.

Church Volunteer Hours

I have volunteered in the children's and music ministry at my church for  30 hours this semester . I sing at both services once a month and attend a one hour rehearsal. This ministry brings me great joy and I am grateful to be able to use my gift to help others encounter Jesus. I help teach God's word to children one Sunday a month for both services and attend a one hour group planning session. These kids mean everything to me and I love devoting time to helping them learn about the most important focus in my life. I also know that I have the opportunity to impact the students in a positive and powerful way. *Dr. Hedden, there is video evidence of me singing on as well as contact info for Eric Vines and Dick Morris if you need to verify the amount of time. 36/25 hours 

NPHC Step Show

I worked the NPHC step/comedy show last night. I helped sell tickets at the will call booth and directed traffic. I arrived at 7:15pm and then watched the show at 8:30. Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta, Omega Phi Psi, and Alpha Phi Alpha performed last night. They were INCREDIBLE and so talented. The comedian DC Youngflyy began to perform as the judges deliberated. Unfortunately, no one knows who won due to a shooting threat. Everyone who came had to be evacuated from the mini dome! 6/25 hours completed.

Blood Drive

10/2 I donated blood during the homecoming blood drive this week and it felt incredible to be able to serve my community. I always get slightly nervous around needles, but I only got slightly lightheaded at the end. The process only took about 1 hour and I helped save 3 lives! 4/25 hours