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Anti-Hazing Work Shop - lecture attendance assignment

 East Tennessee State University has a strict no hazing policy. I attended this lecture do go more in depth into what hazing is so that I can protect myself and others. ETSU's hazing definition is an activity expected of someone joining a group or organization which humiliates, degrades, or risks emotional discomfort. ETSU takes hazing so seriously that, in the last 8 years, the only reason any organization has been removed from campus is because if hazing. How did hazing come about? It started in the 16th century with sailors because the torture of initiation took place on hazy days. People allow this behavior because they want to fit in. How far does hazing go? There are three types of hazing subtle, harassment, and violent. Subtle consists of things like silent periods, unusual clothing, and the use of names like "pledgie." Harassment is considered to be things like verbal abuse, forcing someone to be your personal assistant, and sleep deprivation. Violent is the most serious. Violent consists of physical or emotional harm. These are things like abduction, forced consumption, public nudity, rape, and burning. Why do organizations let hazing occur? Usually, alcohol is involved. Alcohol impairs judgement and things tend to get out of hand rapidly. Tennessee has laws about hazing that occurs with alcohol. So how can we prevent hazing? Education is key. Then organizations should ask themselves the purpose of the activity. Is it educational? Would it increase respect for our organization, Could parents or members of the university attend? The goal is for experiences in an organization to be humbling, not humiliating. Instead of hazing, organizations should do service projects, and encourage social and sporting events. Other activities organizations can use to bond are as follows: concert, movies, meals, study, invite speakers, and host seminars.

Lea, who facilitated the workshop, introduced us to myths and facts about hazing.


The truth is hazing is prevalent in all kinds of organizations, and hazing in non-greek life occurs on ETSU campus.


There is a reason the hazing policy is so strict. Hazing is physically, mentally, and emotionally dangerous. 


Hazing breaks people down. Organizations are meant to lift people up!


In this case, consent to hazing will not hold up in a law suit.


This is a lie. If you are unsure, ask yourself, "Would make grandma do it?"  If not, it is probably hazing.


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