The Billy Currington concert this last weekend was an absolute blast. He is one of my all time favorite country artists. I was so desperate to see the concert that when none of my friends wanted to go, I went to see "my man" by myself. At first I was surrounded by tons of people I did not know and the humidity was making everyone drip with sweat. Just when I thought I was regretting my decision to go solo, I ended up bumping into an acquaintance and meeting a girl who is also a junior rushing this upcoming weekend. Those two were equally as excited to see Billy. During the concert, he played his classics like Turnip Greens, Must Be Doin' Something Right, and God is Great, Beer is Good, and People are Crazy. The crowd went absolutely insane when he performed Garth Brooks' Low Places. The concert was overall hype and spectacular -So much so that my feet were numb from dancing in my boots so long. It was a long haul from the CPA back to Centennial so I took my shoes off for the walk home, as did most of the girls there. The concert was certainly a great memory.
I have had the immense pleasure of attending and serving my church for the majority if my life. I sporadically have done elderly visitations, mission trips, food packing, and feeding the homeless. Two years ago I was the pre-school ministry intern and have continued to work with the youngest believers. However, this semester I took on a more permanent role in my service. On the first Sunday of the month, I simply attend BCCC. The second Sunday, I help lead worship in the praise band. Praise band is 4 hours of time once a month because it requires both services and two practices. The third Sunday, I assist in primary ministry which is 1st grade- 5th grade which accounts for 2 hours for both services. The fourth Sunday, I am in the two year old classroom for one hour teaching Sunday school, and if there is a fifth Sunday I am in the preschool ministry room. I began these various roles in September 2016. To date I have completed 18 hours of community service by serving the church in...
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