I will admit that I have believed the stereotypes about "sorority girls." I always said I'd never be in one or join one because I'm not the "type". However, upon coming to ETSU's campus these women wearing some funky letters have been the most kind to me in my classes. While sitting next to some girls in my choir class, I started asking questions about sorority life. They encouraged me to come to the info meeting. I decided to go, because hey, I have to attend a club meeting for collo anyway. The meting opened my eyes to the academic and philanthropic side of sisterhood and by the time house tours came I was drinking every drop information the sisters would give me. Long story short, I signed up for recruitment this weekend. I am terrified because I am getting out of my comfort zone, but also thrilled to get to know these incredible women this weekend.
(Adapted from an essay I wrote on failure) I was that girl. I grew up in church, made straight A's, and was a cheerleader for most of my life. Any club you can name, I attended it in high school. I had an amazing reputation and was so proud of the being the goodie two shoes, all-american girl. Then I went to UT. I met my first boyfriend, and long story short I started making some pretty bad decisions. I ended up alone, broken, and no longer feeling deserving of love- much less the love of my heavenly father. who would want this garbage? For exactly 361 days, I wanted to die. My hands were trembling, and my breath was cold as it ran over my lips. I felt all alone on Henley Street Bridge, even though I could see the headlights and feel the rush of the cars behind me. I can recall countless nights that I had stayed up, sometimes 24 hours in a row, sobbing and begging God for death. I could not take the feeling that my insides were ripping apart anymore. I had lost mysel...
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