A few weekends ago, Dave Coulier came to ETSU to perform. My friend Kaycee and I got there early and actually got pretty decent seats. Unfortunately they would not let us photograph or video his performance what so ever, but I did manage to snag a selfie with Kaycee before the show. Of course Dave did his first set on his famous "cut it out" and the crowd roared. He next did a set on sex and marijuana which was a little bit of a culture shock considering I have always seen him as Uncle Joey from Full House. Dave's latter set was about a farting miracle which Kaycee and I found absolutely hysterical. All in all, this comedy set was not what I expected but I certainly enjoyed my time there.
(Adapted from an essay I wrote on failure) I was that girl. I grew up in church, made straight A's, and was a cheerleader for most of my life. Any club you can name, I attended it in high school. I had an amazing reputation and was so proud of the being the goodie two shoes, all-american girl. Then I went to UT. I met my first boyfriend, and long story short I started making some pretty bad decisions. I ended up alone, broken, and no longer feeling deserving of love- much less the love of my heavenly father. who would want this garbage? For exactly 361 days, I wanted to die. My hands were trembling, and my breath was cold as it ran over my lips. I felt all alone on Henley Street Bridge, even though I could see the headlights and feel the rush of the cars behind me. I can recall countless nights that I had stayed up, sometimes 24 hours in a row, sobbing and begging God for death. I could not take the feeling that my insides were ripping apart anymore. I had lost mysel...
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